Archive Newsletters

Archive Newsletter – 17th May 2021

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are keeping well and happy and have had lots of chance for colouring. The rainy weather and a lack of work have given me lots of time to colour which has been fantastic. I post lots of my pictures on my Instagram page.


I have also been making lots of new videos which you can find on my YouTube channel. This is because my children finish school in a few weeks and it will be hard for me to record videos when there are two noisy teenagers in the house! I am therefore getting ahead, with some shorter videos so that I can get lots done and I am scheduling them so they still appear daily. I have been recording lots from Worlds of Wonder as I am still completely obsessed, including all of the pictures from these pages:


I have also been recording Monday videos from the Weekly planner and will put one or more planner pictures out each week. Here is a couple that I have filmed in advance for you that will come out soon:


I have also had lots of new colouring supplies for my birthday and I have tried them out and reviewed them which has been great fun and those videos will also be appearing soon as well. The pictures below show Bambino Crayons and Pentel glitter gel pens, but there will be book reviews too.


I have been very lucky and feel very spoiled. I had lots of lovely birthday wishes from colourists from all over the world, they made me feel so special. Thank you all so much. I also want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support. Each of you plays your part by watching my videos, looking at my website, reading my newsletters, liking, commenting and posting your own artwork. All of those continue to inspire me and motivate me to carry on with colouring and posting videos. So thank you all again.

Happy Colouring,

Rachel x